The Oval School is an inclusive school that enables all pupils, including those with additional special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), to reach their full potential. By working in partnership with pupils, parents and carers we are continually developing our provision.
Our practices and procedures are embedded into school life to ensure pupils’ special educational needs are identified swiftly. We consider the individual needs of pupils when planning and provide a curriculum which is accessible to all. We acknowledge that some pupils require additional support to ensure access to a full curriculum and, where appropriate, a range of support strategies are implemented.
If additional specialist advice and support is necessary, we seek external agency support from professionals such as speech and language therapists, educational psychologists and the school nurse. We are committed to effective collaboration between all agencies working with a child and use a multi-disciplinary approach to meeting pupils’ special educational needs. All staff at The Oval School are provided with training, coaching and support to develop and refine good practice when working with pupils with SEND.
If you wish to talk to us about your child’s needs or the provision in place, please speak to the class teacher or contact our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) Mrs L Evans, who will always be ready to offer help and support.