Physical Education

‘Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body. It is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.’

John F Kennedy

At The Oval, we believe that physical education is crucial to the all-round development of children. We aim to engage all pupils in regular physical activity and offer a broad range of sports and activities.  

Our children have access to over 2 hours of PE a week and the curriculum includes skill development in gymnastic activities, dance, games, athletics, outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming.  We use our school halls, playground, school field and MUGA for all our activities.  

The children also participate in lessons from specialist coaches which are used to inspire them and provide training for staff. We have worked with Warwickshire Cricket board for several years and pupils have loved the lessons they provide. Pupils also get the chance to compete in external competitions through this partnership.  

During lunchtime we offer a variety of different games to encourage children to be physically active as much as possible. These are provided by both our own staff and specialist coaches. We also have an area full of gym equipment for the children to use.  

Our sports activities extend into a range of extra-curricular clubs such as gymnastics, dance, cricket, dodgeball and football. Children also have opportunities to represent the school in competitions. These competitions focus on values such as determination, respect and passion as well as giving them the opportunity to showcase their sporting skills.   

During weekly good work assemblies, we ensure that pupils at our school are recognised for their sporting efforts. We celebrate results from school competitions and also encourage children to discuss achievements from clubs they participate in outside of school. 

Our PE curriculum provides pupils with the knowledge, skills and motivation to equip them for a healthy lifestyle. They leave our school having mastered fundamental movement skills and the ability to be physical literate for life.  

Get in touch to find out more about our School