Managing Transitions

Joining and leaving school

Before a child comes in to our school, staff meet with parents to discuss the child and their strengths and needs. For children joining reception class, a member of staff will also collect information and records from any previous Nursery provision. 

We always encourage parents to visit our Nursery or Reception classes. We also plan carefully to help children to feel safe and settle in with confidence.  We have taster sessions in both nursery and reception with parents welcome, settling in days, lunch-time visits and playground visits. Children joining are also encouraged to come and meet their new teacher before the summer holiday, staying for short periods without their parent.

When a child moves up to the next class within school, hand-over meetings are scheduled where teachers and support staff make sure that the receiving teacher and support staff have a clear understanding of the needs of every child.

Transitions for children with SEND

As appropriate, we provide bespoke opportunities children with SEND and their parents to meet a new teacher and support staff before the start of the school year.

Children will visit their new classroom and get to know the new adults who will be teaching and supporting them.

When a child comes to school in the middle of a term, a range of support is planned in response to the particular needs of each child and agreed fully with parents.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when my child, who has an Education Health Care plan, moves on to secondary school?

We invite parents and the secondary school SENCO to take part in the Annual Review of the Education Health and Care plan in year 6. We then provide extra escorted and supported visits to the secondary school: these may involve a tour of the school and a meeting with the form tutor.

We then discuss with the secondary SENCO any extra support for each child depending on her or his needs e.g. this may involve a “Buddy” arrangement – a Year 8 child makes friends with the new pupil and helps her/him through the first term.

Who should I talk to about my child moving between Reception and Year 1 and between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2?

It depends on your child’s needs. The starting point would be your child’s current class teacher. You might then want to talk to the  school SENCO

What might change about my child’s support when he / she moves to secondary school?

Our SENCO will make sure that the secondary school is fully aware of his/her needs and understands what was most effective and successful for him/her in the primary phases of education. The secondary school will then plan a programme of support suitable for the secondary curriculum.

How do I find out about who the new point of contact will be in the new school?

You should request a meeting with the school’s SENCO as soon as possible after your child starts secondary school. The SENCO holds all the records on children with SEND new to the school and will let you know who the main contacts will be for your child.

Other transitions

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